External Evaluation Report
Specific conclusions drawn from the evaluation process can be found in the External Evaluation Report, which can be downloaded from the link below. The most critical conclusions are:
- Academic expectations are high and staff/student relations are excellent (although the Department is rather small, it has an open-door policy and very close contact with students, which is highly appreciated).
- The students are academically satisfied and the staff are aware of the efforts needed to improve the situation (e.g. minimise students’ transport time between facilities).
- Several staff members have managed to consistently attract important funding from European Framework programmes or other resources, thus, filling the gap in the non-existent state budget.
- The dynamic staff have established a number of partnerships and collaborations with other research and academic institutions in Greece and abroad.
- The educational objectives of the Department are clearly specified in the Course Guide.
- The Curriculum is in full accordance with the objectives and meets societal requirements.
- The great number of courses focusing on energy-related engineering principles and applications support the major objectives set by the Department effectively.